Term of Use

Please ensure that you carefully review this agreement. By accessing or utilizing this website or our services, or by agreeing to this agreement in any other manner, you acknowledge and consent to be bound by this agreement. Additionally, you acknowledge that by doing so, you may be relinquishing certain rights.

Welcome to fundedcopytrader.com. Funded Copy Trader PT operates as a registered company in Indonesia, with the registration number AHU-005613.AH.01.30. The company's business address is Inhype Office Space, Baywalk Mall, 5th Floor, Pluit, Penjaringan, Jakarta, Indonesia 14450. The website and all services provided by Funded Copy Trader PT are collectively referred to as the "Company", provides you ("you" or the "Trader") with a limited license to use the services (the "Services") offered by the Company subject to the terms and conditions contained herein (the "Agreement"). By using the services, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement. It is important to carefully read and retain a copy of these Terms for future reference, as they apply to all services offered by Funded Copy Trader.

The products and services provided on this Site are not meant to be viewed as investments in any way.

Funded Copy Trader offers a range of evaluation plans and programs designed for traders to demonstrate their abilities in simulated trading. Traders must meet specific objectives in order to successfully complete the evaluations.

1.1 Funded Copy Trader (the "Company") provides you ("you" or the "Trader") with a limited license to use the services (the "Services") offered by the Company subject to the terms and conditions contained herein (the "Agreement").

1.2 This Agreement is a legally binding contract, and you should read this Agreement horoughly and be sure you understand it before using the accessing the Services offered by the Company. By using the Services, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions contained within this Agreement.

1.3 The Company reserves the right to suspend, replace, modify, amend, or terminate this Agreement at any time and within its sole and absolute discretion. In the event The Company replaces, modifies, or amends this Agreement, your continued use of the Services after the Effective Date of such changes will constitute your agreement to any replacement, modification, or amendment to this Agreement. Trader Representations

2.1 By using the Services, you represent that you are at least eighteen (18) years old and are of sound mind and that you have the capacity to agree to and be bound by the terms and conditions contained within this Agreement. If you use the Services on behalf of a business entity or other third-party, then you represent that you have actual authority to act as an agent of that business entity or third-party, and that you have the right and ability to agree to and bind that third-party or business entity to the terms of this Agreement on its behalf.

2.2 You represent that your use of the Services does not violate any law, regulation, ordinance, statute, or treaty that is applicable to individuals or business entities located in the jurisdiction in which you reside. You further represent that you are not prohibited from entering into this Agreement by the terms of any preexisting agreement.

Limited License

3.1 The Company provides you with limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-assignable, revocable, and royalty-free license to use the Services for their customary and intended purposes. You are expressly prohibited from scraping, framing, hacking, reverse engineering, crawling, or aggregating the Services, or the Company Website, whether in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Company.

3.2 You acknowledge and agree that your limited use of the Services does not entitle you to any license or intellectual property rights to any technology, intellectual property, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secrets of the Company or any third-party contractor thereof. You acknowledge and agree that your use of the Services is limited by the terms of this Agreement, and you expressly agree that you will not use the Services in any manner that is not expressly authorized under the terms of this Agreement. The Company reserves all rights not expressly granted through this Agreement.

3.3 This license is revocable at any time without prior notice, and any rights not expressly granted in this Agreement are reserved by the Company.

Prohibited Uses

4.1 You are expressly prohibited from using the Services to violate any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or treaty, whether local, state, provincial, national, or international, or to violate the rights of a third-party, including, but not limited to intellectual property rights, privacy rights, rights of publicity, or other personal or proprietary rights.

4.2 Additionally, you are expressly prohibited from scraping, crawling, framing, posting unauthorized links to, aggregating, hacking, performing denial of service (DOS) attacks on, reverse engineering, or circumventing technological protection measures of the Services or the Company website.

4.3 You are also prohibited from using the Services or the Company website to transmit unsolicited commercial emails to third parties or other users of the Services. While The Company is not responsible for any such content posted by its Traders and does not have the affirmative obligations to monitor such content, the company reserves the right to remove any such content.

4.4 You are also prohibited from using any trading strategy, method or technique that is expressly prohibited by the Company or the Brokers it uses. Such prohibited trading ("Prohibited Trading") includes, but not be limited to:

  • Exploiting errors or latency in the pricing and/or platform(s) provided by the Broker
  • Utilizing non-public and/or insider information
  • Front-running of trades placed elsewhere
  • Trading in any way that jeopardizes the relationship that the Company has with a Broker or may result in the cancelling of trades
  • Trading in any way that creates regulatory issues for the Broker
  • Utilizing any third-party strategy, off-the-shelf strategy or strategy marketed or developed to pass challenge accounts
  • Utilizing one strategy to pass an assessment and then utilizing a different strategy in a simulated funded account, as determined by the Company in its sole determination

4.5 If the Company in its sole discretion determines that your trading constitutes Prohibited Trading, your participation in the program will be terminated and may include forfeiture of any fees paid. Additionally, and before you receive a simulated funded account, your trading activity will be reviewed by both the Company and the Broker to determine whether such trading activity constitutes Prohibited Trading. In the case of Prohibited Trading, the Trader may not receive a simulated funded account.

4.6 Additionally, the Company reserves the right to disallow or block any person from accessing or participating in the program for any reason, in the Company’s sole and absolute discretion.


5.1 The Company does not provide any trader education. The intent of the Company is to identify individuals with a demonstrated ability for trading. No live trading is provided by the Company in either the challenge phases or simulated funded account. Traders who pass an assessment offered by the Company shall be issued a live simulated account to trade in a live simulated environment under the terms of an agreement with Funded Copy Trader.

5.2 Although the Company may provide data, information, and content relating to investment approaches and opportunities to make trades, such data, information and content is provided solely for general informational and educational purposes. The Company does not advise or recommend the Trader to take any action based upon any of the information and materials provided by the Company; You should not construe any data, information, content or materials as investment, financial, tax, legal, or other kind of advice.

5.3 The Company further does not make any representations that any data, information, or content on the Company website is accurate or complete. You bear sole responsibility for evaluating the merits and risks associated with using or relying on any such data, information, or content. You agree not to hold the Company, its officers, employees, agent or affiliates, liable for any possible claims of damages that may arise from any decision that you make based upon the use of data, information, or content on the Company website.

5.4 While the Company does not provide you with the opportunity to trade or invest using actual funds or money, the Company wants to make sure you understand the risks involved with trading and investing. You should be aware that the risk of loss in trading and investing is high and substantial. Levarge can work for you as well as against you.

5.5 Levarage may lead to event greater losses. Additionally, past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

5.6 You should carefully consider whether trading and investing is right for you depending on your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. If you are unsure, you should consult with a financial advisor and/or tax advisor.

Account Creation

6.1 In order to register as a Trader, you may be asked to provide personal information, including, but not limited to your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, date of birth and a username and password for an account that is unique to you. The information provided is subject to the Company’s privacy policy accessible fundedcopytrader.com/privacy-policy.

6.2 The demo account will be personal to you, and you cannot share it with anybody else. You also may not purchase an account on behalf of a third party or have an account purchased for you by a third party. You will be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your username and password. If you suspect that your account has been compromised or breached, you must immediately notify The Company.

6.3 Traders are limited to one active account per challenge level, absent prior written approval from the Company.

Purchases and Refunds

7.1 The Company may provide products, services, subscriptions, or access to certain portions of the Company’s website at a monetary cost. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice. The Company may allow for such purchases within its website or via a white label affiliate. It is your responsibility to thoroughly read and understand any terms and conditions applicable to such purchases.

7.2 By making any such purchases, you agree that the Company has no responsibility and is not liable for any claim related to your purchases.

7.3 Upon the complete purchase of a product, service, subscription, or access to certain portions of the Company website, the Company will make such product, service, or access available to you following approval of the transaction.

7.4 There are no refunds on any Services purchased from the Company. If you, as a purchaser, are deemed "high risk" by our payment processors, in their sole discretion, we may require you to provide additional documentation or information in order to proceed with the challenge. Failure to provide the requested documentation and information within twenty-four (24) hours of request may result in your use of and access to the Services being limited or revoked. Documentation and information supplied do not guarantee eligibility or access to the Services.


8.1 The Company will provide guidelines associated with the Services on the Company’s website and via email, upon becoming a Trader. These guidelines, which may change from time to time in the Company’s sole discretion, are incorporated in whole into this Agreement. The Company makes absolutely no promise, guarantee, or warranty, express or implied, as to any future employment as a trader, future monetary payments, or any other type or kind of compensation or remuneration to you as a Trader.


9.1 You acknowledge and agree that any and all trademarks, trade names, design marks, or logos displayed on the Company website by the Company, are common law or registered trademarks owned by or licensed to the Company. You are expressly prohibited from using the trademarks of the Company for any purpose whatsoever. You are further prohibited from using the trademarks of the Company in domain names, keyword advertisements, trigger keyword advertisements, or in meta tags. Any other trademarks, trade names, design marks, or logos displayed on the Company website are the property of their respective owners.

9.2 You acknowledge and agree that the Company and the Company’s suppliers and licensors, as applicable, expressly reserve all intellectual property rights in all text, programs, products, processes, technology, content and other materials, which appear on the Company’s website. Access to this website does not confer and may not be considered as conferring upon any person any license under any of the Company’s or any third party’s intellectual property rights. All rights, including copyright, in the Company's website are owned by or licensed to the Company or third-party suppliers, as applicable. Any use of this Website or its contents, including copying or storing it or them in whole or part, other than for your own personal, non-commercial use is prohibited without the permission of the Company. You may not modify, distribute or re-post anything on the Company's website for any purpose.

9.3 The Company names and logos and all related products and services and slogans are the trademarks or service marks of the Company or licensed to the Company. All other marks are the property of their respective companies. No trademark or service mark license is granted in connection with the materials contained on the Company website. Access to the Company website does not authorize any person to use any name, logo or mark in any manner.

9.4 All materials, including images, text, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, programs, audio clips or downloads, video clips and written and other materials that are part of this Website (collectively, "Contents") are intended solely for personal, non-commercial use. No right, title or interest in any downloaded materials or software is transferred to You as a result of any such downloading or copying. You may not reproduce (except as noted above), publish, transmit, distribute, display, modify, create derivative works from, sell or participate in any sale of or exploit in any way, in whole or in part, any of the contents, the Company website or any related software. All software used on the Company website is the property of the Company or its suppliers and protected by laws of the Republic of Indonesia . Any other use, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display, or performance, of the Contents on the Company website is strictly prohibited. Unless otherwise noted, all Contents are copyrights, trademarks and/or other intellectual property owned, controlled or licensed by the Company, one of its affiliates or by third parties who have licensed their materials to us and are protected by laws of the Republic of Indonesia. The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of all Contents on the Company website is the exclusive property of the Company and is protected by the laws of the Republic of Indonesia.

Simulated Trading Disclosure Statement

10.1 The Company provides you with a simulated trading environment which does not involve actual live market trading. Before deciding to participate in live market trading, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. Most importantly, do not invest money you cannot afford to lose.

10.2 Unlike simulated trading, there is considerable exposure to risk in any actual live market over-the-counter transaction, including, but not limited to, leverage, creditworthiness, limited regulatory protection and market volatility that may substantially affect the price of the products you are trading.

10.3 Moreover, the leveraged nature of over-the-counter actual live market trading means that any market movement will have an equally proportional effect on your funds. This may work against you as well as for you.

10.4 There are risks associated with utilizing an Internet-based system for simulated trading and actual live market trading, including, but not limited to, the failure of hardware, software, and Internet connection. The Company is not responsible for communication failures or delays when trading on a simulated basis via the Internet. The Company employs backup systems and contingency plans in an attempt to minimize the possibility of system failure.

10.5 There are substantial differences between live simulated trading in demo accounts and actual live market trading in active accounts, and you should not assume that any results you achieve in simulated trading with the Company will be comparable to those you experience in actual live market trading

Term and Termination

11.1 The term of this Agreement will begin when you purchase any of the Services offered via the Company and will continue until either the Company terminates your access to the Services or you stop using the Services.

11.2 The Company reserves the right to terminate the Services or your access to the Services or the Company website in its sole and absolute discretion and without prior notice.

Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability



13.1 You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Company, its officers, members, managers, directors, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, white label users, and representatives from any and all losses, including, but not limited to costs and attorneys’ fees, arising out of or related to: (a) your use of the Website; (b) your violation of any term or condition of this Agreement; (c) your violation of the rights of third parties, including but not limited to intellectual property rights or other personal or proprietary rights; and (d) violation of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or treaty, whether local, state, provincial, national or international.

13.2 Your obligation to defend the Company will not provide you with the ability to control the Company’s defense, and The Company reserves the right to control its defense, including choice of counsel and whether to litigate or settle a claim subject to indemnification.

Dispute Resolution

14.1 You acknowledge and agree that any controversy or claim arising out of or related to this Agreement, including any claim or controversy concerning interpretation of this Agreement or your use of this Services, will be settled by arbitration conducted in Indonesia before a single arbitrator in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of the Indonesia Arbitration Association. The arbitrator’s award shall be final and judgment upon the award, including costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees for the prevailing party, may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction.

Force Majeure

15.1 The Company shall not be liable to Trader for any claims, losses, damages, costs or expenses, including attorneys’ fees, caused, directly or indirectly, by any events, actions or omissions, including, without limitation, claims, losses, damages, costs or expenses, including attorneys’ fees, resulting from civil unrest, war, insurrection, international intervention, governmental action (including, without limitation, exchange controls, forfeitures, nationalizations, devaluations), natural disasters, acts of God, market conditions, inability to communicate with any relevant person or any delay, disruption, failure or malfunction of any transmission or communication system or computer facility, whether belonging to the Company, Trader, or third-party service provider.


16.1 The representations, warranties, duties, and covenants made by you under this Agreement will survive termination of this Agreement or the Services, including, but not limited to your duty to indemnify and defend the Company.


17.1 In the event that any term or condition of this Agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable by the court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms and conditions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.


18.1 This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Republic of Indonesia without regard to choice of law provisions thereof. This Agreement shall be deemed to have been drafted by both parties, and the terms and conditions of this Agreement may not be interpreted against the party that prepared this Agreement.


19.1 You may not assign your rights and duties under this Agreement. The Company reserves the right to assign its rights and duties under this Agreement, including in a sale of the Company or its Services. Waiver

20.1 No term or condition of this Agreement or breach of this Agreement will be deemed to have been waived or consented to, unless said waiver is in writing and signed by the party to be charged.

Entire Agreement

21.1 This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Company and the Trader regarding the use of the Services and supersedes all prior understandings, agreements, or representations between the Company and Trader, whether written or oral.

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